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How to Automatically Update LinkedIn URLs in Clay Using Scrape Website Function


Hi, I am creating a list of companies on Clay and I am using the 'Scrape Website' function to extra the company LinkedIn Url. The scrape website function is working however I don't know how to update automatically the 'LinkedIn URL' column. Anyone can help on this?

  • Avatar of Channeled

    When using the Scrape Website function, you can enable auto-update for the LinkedIn URL column by following these steps: 1. Configure the auto-update settings in your table 2. By default, new rows will automatically run the enrichment 3. You can customize when the column updates by using conditional formulasKeep in mind that while auto-update is enabled by default, you can toggle it off if needed. However, disabling auto-update might result in stale data.For more specific conditions, you can use AI formulas to trigger the column update only when certain conditions are met. Sources: Clay Enrichments - Clay University HTTP API - Clay University

  • Avatar of Channeled

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