Hey Guys just a quick question regarding Claygent. When I want to use it this error comes up I am somehow still tier 1 on open ai key but I have put 50$ 7 days ago into it. Could someone help me solve this? Thanks
For Claygent to work properly, you need an OpenAI API key with 450,000 TPM (tokens per minute). Being on tier 1 won't be sufficient for this requirement, regardless of the amount added to your account.To resolve this, you'll need to specifically upgrade your OpenAI API key to tier 2. You can check your current usage tier and limits at: ** Usage ** Limits * Usage TiersFor instructions on upgrading your tier, please visit How to Move Up in Usage Tiers.
A dummy question: Do I also need to spend 50$ or is depositing also doing the work?
To upgrade your OpenAI API key to tier 2 (which is required for Claygent's 450,000 TPM requirement), you'll need to actually spend the funds, not just deposit them. You can check your current usage tier and limits at OpenAI's platform under the Limits and Usage sections.
Great! I'm glad I could help. I'm here if you have any more questions.