Hey guys, I'm trying to enrich all 30 contacts instead of just one how would I go about writing this in my table and doing this?
To enrich multiple contacts at once in your table: 1. Use the "find contacts" search option in the enrichment tab 2. When configuring the search, select the option to save the results into your table 3. You can set a limit for how many results you want per company 4. The search will automatically enrich the profiles for all the contacts it findsThe results will appear in the same table, and you'll be able to map out the enriched fields for all contacts.For best results, first import your list, then follow the enrichment process to find company domains and run the people search across all entries.
How do I map it out? I've already enriched and found them but how do I map out all of them?
To map out all your enriched contacts, follow these steps: 1. Use the "write each item to new row in other table" function to extract all your search results into a new table for easier management. Map all the values you need from your search results. 2. In the new table, use the "Enrich Person From Apollo" function: โข Map all the necessary columns (except the email column) โข Run the enrichmentThe enrichment will then populate the table with complete contact information, including email addresses for your saved contacts. Source: [FAQ: Why am I seeing email_not_unlocked@domain.com in Apollo?](https://docs.clay.com/en/articles/9757360-faq-why-am-i-seeing-email%5Fnot%5Funlocked-domain-com-in-apollo)
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