Is there a good way to pull in recent hires from a company domain or LinkedIn page domain that meet certain criteria? Like if I wanted to pull any CFOs hired by the companies in a table in the past 6 months? I see a lot of "Job openings" options in enrichment, but no "recent hires" options
You can track recent hires in Clay through two main approaches: 1. Using the Signals feature: โข Go to "Actions" and select "Monitor for new hires" โข Choose your target companies โข Set job title filters (e.g., "CFO") โข This will show people hired within the last three months 2. Using the Find People search: โข Create a new table using the "Find People" search โข Set your specific criteria (title, time since changing jobs, industry) โข Import the matching profiles into your tableYou can then customize the formulas to adjust how recent you want to check for job changes by modifying the number of months in the new role and new company columns. Sources: Claybooks: Personalize outbound to former bosses of recent job movers | Claybooks: Find prospects who changed companies using formulas | Metaprompter, shared workbooks, new hire signals, Outreach integration, and more!
Great! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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