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Low Conversion Rate: Only 46 out of 1200 Companies have Business Owner Info


I have a list of about 1200 companies that I sourced via Phantombuster (this list includes the company website URL, linkedin URL, instagram URL). When I run the full list through Clay to get the names of the business owners at these companies, it’s only finding 46 people total. This seems very low. Is this a typical company > people conversion for small businesses?

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    Hi Elle! Sorry for the delay - taking a look now:)

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    You're right that it seems very low! Can you try using the 'website' as input to the search rather than the LI URL?

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.


    208ea516-cd0b-4df0-845b-0f165e596788.png(349 kB)
  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    This might give you better results

  • Avatar of Elle C.
    Elle C.

    I did - I used the website, LI url and IG url, per my original comment. In combination it only pulled 47 names.

  • Avatar of Elle C.
    Elle C.

    I just tried again and removed all of the job titles and it cam up with 110 names - still seems low. As you can see from your screen shot, it’s pulling people from walmart and a majority who aren’t in Canada (which is strange seeing as all of the companies are Canadian), so I had to put in geographical parameters to get more accurate results.

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    Hi Elle C., sorry for the delay - thanks for flagging this! It seems like there might be something buggy happening here so I will have this checked for you!

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    Hey Elle, quick question about the list of companies that could help us understand a bit more, are they on the smaller side—not usually active on LinkedIn? We often find that if companies aren't very active on LinkedIn, it's more than likely people who work there don't have active profiles either/not associated with the company at all... Also, found that Walmart is coming up because one of the companies you have has this domain,, and it appears that the closest match if Walmart for some reason.

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    We have this other guide for SMBs if it helps.SMB guide- owner emails for SMB: - Table:­_z59ysbNEEB70 - Explanation: [](https:://