Hi team, I'm new to Clay and i can't find information, i hope you can help me. My question is about enrichment in which i get for example, dozens of results. After clicking on a cell and inspecting the details, with more than 10 results, it always shows up to 10 objects (from 0 to 9). Could you please help me get the view to the full number of results? Also i would like to know, is it possible to make links active(blue) in the text cell. Thanks!
Hey there Katarzyna thanks for reaching out and appreciate you jumping in Adnan! As Adnan said there is a limit of 10 objects per cell. The approach that Adnan recommends of splitting up the job titles up if there happens to be multiple to get smaller lists would be the best workaround.
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
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