Gm and Merry Christmas! I’m experiencing issues with achieving consistent results in a prompt. I’m using ChatGPT 4o via the API and working with hundreds of lines where the prompt is intended to search for and identify outbound links in blog posts. It should be a relatively straightforward task, and while it succeeds at times, the results are unreliable. In cases where it should report a link, it sometimes incorrectly states that none exist. This isn’t the first time the results have failed on (what I consider) simple tasks. Does anyone know a solution to this?
To improve consistency in your ChatGPT API results for identifying outbound links, try adjusting these key parameters:1. Set a lower "Creativity Level" (temperature) value closer to 0. This will make the model's responses more focused and deterministic, which is ideal for structured tasks like link identification. 2. Use a clear stop sequence to ensure the model stops generating at the right point, which can help maintain consistency in the output format. 3. Consider using the GPT-4 model explicitly (rather than letting it default) to ensure you're getting the most capable version for your task.If you're still experiencing inconsistencies after adjusting these parameters, you may want to request human support to help optimize your specific prompt structure. Source: ChatGPT: Generate text (legacy) with OpenAI/GPT
Where do I adjust creative level?
In our ChatGPT integration, you can adjust the Creativity Level (temperature) in the input settings. This is a scale from 0-2, with 1 being the default value. Lower temperatures will produce more focused and consistent responses, while higher temperatures result in more creative and varied outputs. Sources: ChatGPT: Generate text with OpenAI/GPT ChatGPT: Generate text (legacy) with OpenAI/GPT
Where do i find the input settings?
When using our ChatGPT integration, you can find the Creativity Level setting in the input parameters of your workflow. It's a field labeled "Creativity Level" where you can enter a value from 0-2, with 1 being the default. This setting controls the temperature parameter - lower values produce more focused and consistent responses, while higher values result in more creative and varied outputs. Sources: ChatGPT: Generate text (legacy) with OpenAI/GPT ChatGPT: Generate text with OpenAI/GPT
Is this option in Clay or in OpenAI’s platform settings?
The Creativity Level setting is available directly within Clay's interface when using our ChatGPT integration. You can find it in the input parameters as a field labeled "Creativity Level" where you can enter a value from 0-2 (with 1 being the default).You can access this setting whether you're using Clay's managed OpenAI account or your own API key through the enrichment panel. Sources: ChatGPT: Generate text (legacy) with OpenAI/GPT Use AI integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
I can’t find that
The Creativity Level setting can be found in the input parameters when setting up a ChatGPT action in your workflow. It's a field labeled "Creativity Level" where you can enter a value from 0-2 (1 is the default). This setting affects how varied the responses will be - higher values result in more creative responses, while lower values produce more focused outputs. Source: ChatGPT: Generate text (legacy) with OpenAI/GPT
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey, thanks for reaching out, Daniel. I do see you're trying to find an internal link. While it might seem easy for you, it isn't that easy to do multiple steps. What I would recommend here is to use the scrape website. I'm also seeing the prompts, and I would recommend making this more simple.
Hey Bo. Thanks and Merry Christmas. Not really sure how and what this does 😂 And regarding the prompts, what is your feedback there? Would prefer using the API to lower run costs if possible
OK just found the links, but is there a way to emulate this function via API?
I see - What's your goal here with finding the internal link? Merry christmas to you too!! :)
In Keyword Relevance, I have a keyword list that I want to prioritize for our SEO. So I’m looking through the URL:s (from a sitemap) to see if there is relevance. And then, I want to see if there is an internal link from the blog in New Column that contains /coin/ in the URL. So the goal is to get a list where there is relevance but no internal links to /coin/ so that the client can put implement them correctly on the respective anchor text :)
I see - The idea you've set up would make sense the way it's set up but it will yield exactly what you're experiencing. You can try with a better model, better prompt, more creativity, less until you get something that works better, but you will be gaining a small percentage better and still open to false positives. Using the scrape website would be 100% sure and secure data. We have Zenrows that you can purchase plans with that would be less expensive as well
Hey thanks. What is Zenrows? 🙂
Ah found their site. You mean I can add it with API or..?
It's a tool like scrape website that will allow you to extract urls from that page! :) [App: Article Inserter]
So Zenrows is a scraping integration that is found in the enrichment panel by clicking the "add enrichment" button at the top right of the page. This scraping integration allows you to connect your own API to save on credits (instead of scraping websites). It might make more sense for you to use this instead of the scraping website's integration that I added in your table. :)
Ok will check it out, thanks
So, as far as working with ChatGPT 4o on website related tasks, it’s basically worthless?
Hey there Daniel thanks for reaching out, if you are going to use AI to focus on website related tasks, Claygent would be the better option here.
Thanks. Just trying to understand what value ChatGPT brings to the table (no pun intended), being such a big player
No worries we understand there is a bit of a learning curve with Clay.
Sure but I’m still trying to understand when it’s a good idea to choose ChatGPT as a model
If you need to create content or categorize data than Chat GPT is more useful for this. For example, if you are going to come up with email draft based on data from existing columns, then GPT would be the way to go, while Claygent is better if you are going to use information from the web to write up an email or anything else.
Gotcha. So basically it won’t do what it’s instructed to do? Anyways, is it still possible to try to adjust the creativity level of ChatGPT or is that removed from Clay?
Yes, under the "Model settings" tab there is an option called "Temperature" this will adjust the creativity of the GPT model.
I don’t see that view
Can you open up the "Model" option and make sure its on Chat GPT and not Claygent.
Oh it doesn’t work on web. Gotcha
Can you make sure to select the "Content Creation option"