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Using Clay for Inbox Management: Streamlining Email Responses


Inbox Management - Use Clay to prepare messages? Is there a way to use clay also for inbox management? Use case:

  • receive email from webhook with Instantly)

  • Prepare answer based on prompt

  • manual check and approval

  • Push answer to Instantly

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Clay doesn't directly manage your inbox, but here's how you can set up a workflow with webhooks and Instantly: 1. To receive emails via webhook: • Click "+ Create New" on your Clay home page • Select "Import data from Webhook" under "Other" • Choose or create a table for your incoming data • Copy the generated webhook endpoint to connect with your email source 2. For message preparation: • You can use Clay's AI integration to draft personalized messages based on the data in your tables 3. To push approved messages to Instantly: • Clay integrates natively with Instantly for sending your finalized messages • You can also use the HTTP API integration to connect with any other tool of your choiceNote that Clay works as a complementary tool to your email sequencer rather than replacing it. You'll need to use Clay in conjunction with your existing email tools to create this workflow. Sources: FAQ | Import Data to Clay Using Webhooks

  • Avatar of Channeled

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