Inbox Management - Use Clay to prepare messages? Is there a way to use clay also for inbox management? Use case:
receive email from webhook with Instantly)
Prepare answer based on prompt
manual check and approval
Push answer to Instantly
Clay doesn't directly manage your inbox, but here's how you can set up a workflow with webhooks and Instantly: 1. To receive emails via webhook: • Click "+ Create New" on your Clay home page • Select "Import data from Webhook" under "Other" • Choose or create a table for your incoming data • Copy the generated webhook endpoint to connect with your email source 2. For message preparation: • You can use Clay's AI integration to draft personalized messages based on the data in your tables 3. To push approved messages to Instantly: • Clay integrates natively with Instantly for sending your finalized messages • You can also use the HTTP API integration to connect with any other tool of your choiceNote that Clay works as a complementary tool to your email sequencer rather than replacing it. You'll need to use Clay in conjunction with your existing email tools to create this workflow. Sources: FAQ | Import Data to Clay Using Webhooks