Probably a noobie question but still a question; is it possible to adjust the output table of a Find People enrichtment after it has been set-up?
Yes, you can modify the Find People search settings after it's been set up. Here's how to do it: 1. Open your table 2. Click on the Source Column to access the Source column menu 3. Select "Sources" from the menu 4. Click on the Find People source you want to modify 5. Click "Edit source" in the panel that opens on the right 6. Make your desired changes to the search criteria, toggles, or filters 7. Click "Submit" to save and re-run the source with your new configuration Source: Table sources overview | Documentation | Clay University
I don't want to edit the source; I want to edit where the results are copied to
You can use the "write each item to new row in other table" function to control where your Find People results are mapped to. This allows you to: 1. Extract all the results into a new table for easier management 2. Map specific values you want to include 3. Choose which columns the data should be copied to in the destination tableFor example, if you want to combine company and people data in one table, you can set up the Find People search to save results directly into your company table. This is particularly useful when managing and organizing your enriched data. Source: [FAQ: Why am I seeing in Apollo?](
If I use the write each item to a new row in other table function; I get an error in the 'Company Table Data' (Missing input, Table ID is blank Company Record ID is blank)
To resolve this error, you'll need to properly set up the Write to Table integration by following these steps: 1. First, verify your Clay API key is correctly configured: โข Go to Settings > Connections โข Search for Clay โข Ensure your API key is properly connected 2. Then set up the Write to Table integration: โข Select your Clay account โข Choose your destination table โข Select the column containing the data you want to map โข Map the data to the appropriate columns in your destination tableMake sure you've completed all required fields during setup, particularly: ** The destination Table ID ** The correct column mappings * Any required source data fieldsIf the error persists after following these steps, you may need to reconfigure your Write to Table integration to ensure there are no misconfigurations. Source: Write to table integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
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