I got an (Error code: at_FVx2csTfAibv). on my find people table. https://app.clay.com/workspaces/16336/workbooks/wb_Q3zW5XZfy9mJ/tables/t_5P64HZRH5ENc/views/gv_CYvBExiv9R4S
This error could be related to either API credits running out or invalid credentials. Here's how you can resolve it: 1. First, check if you have sufficient API credits: ā¢ If you've run out of credits, purchase additional credits from your email verification provider ā¢ Once credits are added, you can restart the process by going to your first waterfall column and using "Run all rows that haven't run or have errors" 2. If the issue persists, verify your API credentials: ā¢ Copy your Clay API key (you can find instructions at clay.com/university/guide/guide-find-clay-api-key) ā¢ Go to the Integrations section in Clay ā¢ Add or update your API key ā¢ Save the changes and try the action againIf these steps don't resolve the issue, you should request human support for further assistance. Source: Write to table integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
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