I have some results in a /response cell. The /response cell contains a list of companies separated by comma. How do I parse that cell and have those companies become rows in a new table?
Here's how to convert your comma-separated list of companies into separate rows: 1. First, use the Extract Data From Values function with this regex pattern: [^,"]+"?[^,"]+
- this will split your comma-separated values into a list.
2. Then create a new table by:
โข Clicking Create New > Table
โข Selecting Company Table as the table type
3. Once your data is split into a list, you can send the newly created list to your new table.
Write to table integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
Create New Table
I'm confused. Where do I click "Create New > Table"
You can find the "Create New" button in the top right corner of your workspace homepage. Here's how to create a new table: 1. Open your workspace 2. Look for the "Create New" button in the top right 3. Click "Create New" > "Table" 4. You'll then be able to choose between: โข Company Table โข People Table โข Custom Table Sources: Clay onboarding checklist | Documentation | Clay University Create New Table
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
David - Do you mind sending the link to the table so we can take a look? Typically that's done with Extract Values from Data and using a custom Extraction Type with a regex like this for comma separated: [^,"]+"?[^,"]+ or https://[^\s,"]+ for urls. Once you have this, you'll be able to reference those in awrite to tableas a list and send that to the other table. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/1171717996/ac7729f84b426e1d0358af02/image.png?expires=1736984700&signature=bdf4533593a905a201a2739b1d46caa356ae062fabd8d4e099c7cb825a7a5af9&req=dSEgF85%2FmohWX%2FMW1HO4zYTywS31DpMR2BKsam%2FhVPuE8Q%3D%3D%0A
I read that. But everytime I try to give a list to extract to a table it throw an error. Table: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/320529/workbooks/wb_i5kZh5RV62FC/tables/t_95HQiSvBrTta/views/gv_UzNgQrSEqbWu
I recorded this walkthrough video showing exactly how to set this up: https://cln.sh/yvwXQcpm Let me know if you have any follow-up questions!
Thank you very much