Hi, how can i extract this data in either same table creating multiple columns or else in a new table with different multiple rows and 2 headers (Profile URL and Job title), can you help please?
There are several ways to handle this: 1. To extract specific values and create new columns: โข Click "Add Column" > "Add Column using AI" โข Enter a description of what you want to extract (like Profile URLs or Job Titles) โข Set up the parameters and click "Save" 2. To extract and organize data within the same table: โข Use the "Add Column" > "Merge columns" option to combine data if needed โข Use filters to organize the data by selecting specific columns and applying conditions like "contains" or "equal to" 3. For extracting specific values from complex data: You can use the Extract Values feature to identify and retrieve targeted information like URLs from your existing data. This helps streamline the process of isolating relevant information from your dataset. Sources: Hide, Re-order, Sort, Filter, Merge Columns Extract Values from Data with Clay Add Column Using AI & Add New Rows
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