Hey Team, I am curious whats data source Find Jobs data source uses, I am trying to look for Jobs hiring for Software Engineer, a search on clay gives me 423 records in Los Angeles. Linkedin has around 10k.
We use multiple data sources for job listings, including Indeed's Job Search API and Google's Cloud Talent Solution API.When searching for jobs in Clay, it's important to note that since we don't have semantic search capabilities yet, you'll need to be comprehensive with your search terms and include various permutations of job titles to capture all relevant openings. For example, when searching for software engineering roles, you might need to include variations like "Software Engineer," "Software Developer," etc.To get better results, you can:** Use multiple keywords in your search ** Start with broader search terms ** Refine results using location and job type filters ** Iterate and modify your search parameters if you're not getting the expected results Sources: Find Active Job Openings with Companies, People, Jobs Find Jobs Source + Enrichment [Clay 101] - Clay University Find Open Jobs with Google
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