Exporting Sequence Strategies from Table to a New Row-Based Table in Clay
Here is the URL for my table where I have 2 companies that I've built an sequence strategy for: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/137689/tables/t_9dXXwpeyqllQ/views/gv_fhckbJ94bNyt In the table I've extracted a break down of the different sequences to launch as different columns (Sequence 1, Sequence 2, etc) I want to write that to a new table but now each sequence must be a new row, to this table for example: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/137689/tables/t_LceH88s42DRC/views/gv_6GHZg5vhswMd I'm struggling to get each sequence column to write to a new table as a new row