Hey team, what's the best way to find companies that have franchise operation in US?
You can use our Find Company search feature to locate companies with franchise operations in the US. Here's how: 1. In the Company section: โข Include keywords like "franchise" or "franchising" in the description โข Select relevant industries that typically have franchise operations โข Choose appropriate company sizes 2. In the Location section: โข Select "United States" as the country โข Optionally include specific states or cities where you want to find franchises 3. Set your desired results limit to manage the number of companies returned.You can also start your search using the "lookalikes" feature if you already know some franchise companies, which will help find similar businesses matching your criteria. Our dataset includes hundreds of millions of company records to help you find your target accounts. Sources: Find Company overview | Documentation | Clay University TAM Sourcing | Clay.com