I have created 2 boards
outreach board
do not contact list
I search if the company exists in the do not contact list with the single rod lookup function. This works fine. After that I actually only want the workflow to continue if the record is not found. However if i create a formula or if I create some reasoning with chatgpt, it keeps saying that values are missing. How can I solve this?
You can use a conditional run based on the "Found At Least One" output from your lookup function. Since you want the workflow to continue only when a record is NOT found in the do not contact list, you should set up your conditional formula like this:NOT {{Found At Least One}}This condition will evaluate to:** true (run the enrichment) when no record is found in the do not contact list ** false (skip the enrichment) when a record is foundYou can set this up by:1. Going to "Run Settings" in your enrichment panel 2. Clicking on "Conditional Run" 3. Entering the formula above Sources: Conditional runs | Documentation | Clay University Salesforce integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
Hi, I would like a person to look at my clay table: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/366230/tables/t_yYMJAisUyzk2/views/gv_RNGPyCzeS3Mw I had a issue yesterday which I can't solve with the help of the chatbot. I used the formula so that the company enrichment doesn't take place is a row is found in the do not contact list. But it doesn't work.. Do you know how to solve this. It is also not possible to filter the lookup collumn based on record found or not found. It looks like the system doesn't recognize the value.
Let me help you troubleshoot your conditional formula setup:For the lookup results, you'll need to use specific comparison operators to check if records were found. Here's how to set it up correctly:1. In the company enrichment's Run Settings, go to Conditional Run 2. Your formula should check the lookup results using proper comparison operators. For example: โข If using "Found At Least One": NOT {{Found At Least One}} โข If using "Number of Results": {{Number of Results}} == 0The reason you can't filter the lookup column directly is that you need to use these specific output variables from the lookup (Found At Least One or Number of Results) rather than trying to filter the actual lookup column.You can also use the AI formula generator by clicking "Use AI" in the Run Settings and typing your condition in plain language - this can help ensure the formula syntax is correct. Sources: Conditional Formulas Conditional runs | Documentation | Clay University