If I'm trying to enrich multiple things. For example, I want to enrich a list of 50K companies, then after it's enriched I want to run a web scraper to scrape for a certain key word, then I want to do something else, etc. Would I need to run the first enrichment first and then wait until it's done to run the second enrichment, and so on? Or can I start running them and if the first enrichment is updating a column that the second enrichment needs to use it will know to wait until the first one is done being enriched?
When you run multiple enrichments in Clay, the system automatically handles dependencies between enrichments. If your second enrichment needs data from the first enrichment, it will process in the correct order. This is demonstrated in how our waterfall enrichment process works - where multiple enrichment steps happen sequentially while maintaining data dependencies.You can set up all your enrichments at once, and Clay will manage the processing order based on the data dependencies between them. This means you don't need to manually wait for the first enrichment to complete before starting the second one. Source: Intro to Typeforms, Webhooks, and Inbound Lead Sources [Automated Inbound] - Clay University
Great thank you!
Glad I could help! Let me know if you need anything else.
How is your slack channel integrated with your support chat in the app?
Our integration with Slack is primarily used for support quality assurance (QA) purposes. The system can retrieve support conversations and process them through quality checks. After analysis, the feedback is automatically sent to designated Slack channels.The QA process evaluates four key aspects of support interactions: ** Understanding and clarity ** Problem solving and resolution ** Communication and tone ** Setting expectationsThis feedback is then channeled to the appropriate Slack channel for team review. Sources: Automate QA for customer support tickets | Clay Claybooks: Automate QA for customer support tickets | Clay.com
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