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Auto-Dedupe: Options to Delete Old Rows for Duplicates

  1. 1.

    Is there any option for auto-dedupe to delete the old row instead of the new row, if there is any duplicate, or completely remove the processed job rows?

  2. 2.

    If auto-dedupe function is set to off, I want to apply lookup to show me the latest results instead of the first/old one (not the sorting/filter work). and also show me that when it was contacted last time. How can I set this up?

Example: I have a jobs table, auto-dedupe is off, now there are multiple companies having multiple jobs. Day 1, I contacted a company regarding their job. Day 31st the company posted again. Now I want to contact the company on latest job post instead of that posted on Day 1. If I turn auto-dedupe on (job linkedin url) and the link is same, it will remove the new result and keep the old result. I want to bring in the new result and delete the old result. If the old result can not be deleted, I am applying a Lookup (multiple) to search for all the jobs of that company in the same table and I went I want to select "add as a column", I can not get the same results for each company because one company might only have one job and the other company might have 5 or 10 jobs. so the resulting value varies and I also want it to show me that when it was contacted last time. for the support, here's the link: