Looking for support - why is this "write to other table" condition not being met? https://app.clay.com/workspaces/361428/tables/t_BGVy2EPK3o54/views/gv_XijJwZxPcBaU
Hi Annamarie, thank you for reaching out. This seems to be caused by your conditional formula, which seems to be preventing your column from running for all rows. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1259666673/3451c1f7264dd34face9c63b7adf/CleanShot+2024-11-20+at+14_35_01%402x.png?expires=1732132800&signature=69084a030ed5bde385876bd61184ddf84a1ee00f0497940f4b0b2d72ebd5a738&req=dSIiH894m4dYWvMW1HO4zUy%2F%2FVQQtPOly6MunhkL%2BhbeQa1gdqYpfCg3Cyrt%0Af23O%0A I suggest you modify the formula and try again! Let me know if this helps!
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