hey guys, Need help to understand how to use my custom APIs into a waterfall for company enrichment here is the table, https://app.clay.com/workspaces/19532/tables/t_67ior7Y9vNN2/views/gv_ndCAGHc5Q5z2 The waterfall is "LinkedIn Company" Thanks.
To set up a custom API in your LinkedIn Company waterfall:1. Click "+Add Column > ↴Waterfall" 2. Select the appropriate data type for your column (text, number, or URL) 3. Click "Add Action" 4. Choose your custom integration from the available optionsYou can adjust the order of the integrations in your custom waterfall to optimize the enrichment process. Keep in mind that waterfalls run actions sequentially and you'll only be charged credits for the provider that successfully finds the data. Source: Custom Waterfall
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