i am trying to pull IT decsion maker personas from this table https://app.clay.com/workspaces/339211/workbooks/wb_PkVY9CynbWij/tables/t_8Sn9d4VE6Mc5/views/gv_eC2en27U6e4c, into this table https://app.clay.com/workspaces/339211/tables/t_wKa4Qgx3NTrD/views/gv_ZE5MzFDtBDGp. From over 2000 companes, how are we only able to pull sub 200 IT personas. Can someone please work with me to figure out how these filters work?
Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! 😊 It looks like the table you referenced was deleted, but when testing a pull of IT decision-maker personas, we’re currently seeing 720 results instead of 200. Could you try running the search again? Once you do, let us know if you’re still seeing only 200 results. If that’s the case, please keep the search active in the table so we can dive in together and pinpoint any filter settings that might be limiting the results. We’re here to help make sure you’re getting the full dataset you need! 🚀 https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1233274208/fb561a9c4dd2df5797c0d031f287/CleanShot+2024-10-29+at+_25ZpWPm0tr%402x.png?expires=1730240100&signature=2dd912da34112c894e1e7af4914dd096d9f6bd293e44e1d25dfffb2116ab75f5&req=dSIkFct5mYNfUfMW1HO4zWAMhA6gka%2BNpK8Lat7Zwc5gAOm02Tu%2F2m%2BMtDhU%0Aby9t%0A
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!