Hey, I'm I'm trying to crate new table to 'find companies' but want to exclude or current customers list (in csv format) from the search. When I click on 'exclude companies' option it wants me to upgrade but doesn't send me anywhere. What plan do I need to be on to do this or how do I achieve this?
When creating a new company search, you can use the "Exclude Companies" feature by referencing another Clay table that contains your current customer list. This helps prevent duplicates and ensures you're not targeting companies you're already working with.Before importing your new company search results, make sure to review them using the Preview Company feature. This allows you to check and refine your search criteria to ensure relevance.Important: When you do import the results, avoid auto-adding any enrichments to your list initially, as this can quickly use up your credits. You can always add enrichments later once you've confirmed your list is exactly what you need. Sources: Find Company Overview - Clay University Find Companies [Clay 101] - Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hi Paul, thanks for reaching out! Happy to take a look here for you
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