I have a list of companies I pulled from clay and a list of customers. I must have forgot to exclude my customers from the companies I pullled. How do I filter out those companies on the list I pulled?
You can use the "Exclude Companies" feature to filter out your existing customers from your search results. Here's how: 1. Go to "Add Table" and select "Find Companies" 2. Look for the "Exclude" section 3. Select the table containing your existing customers as the exclusion source 4. Choose the appropriate matching criteria (like social URL or domain)The search results will automatically exclude any companies that match those in your reference table.This is an optional filter specifically designed to help you avoid duplicates and ensure your current search doesn't include companies you've already identified elsewhere. Sources: Find Company overview | Documentation | Clay University Enhanced table exclusions, simplified email sequencers, Notion integration, Google Docs integration, and more!
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