I want to get the URL for the latest Linked in post from people in my table. I ran the Claygent with the prompt provided below. I don't get any results (I have confirmed that the Linked in profiles indeed have posts) Any suggestions on how I can improve my prompt?
When searching for LinkedIn posts using Clay, here are some tips to improve your results:1. Make sure you're using the complete LinkedIn profile URL including 'https://' (e.g., https://www.linkedin.com/in/username/) 2. You can use the optional "Keywords" parameter to narrow down specific types of posts - separate multiple keywords with commas 3. Try using the "Post Date Filter" parameter to specify a timeframe - you can use either specific dates or relative dates like "30 days ago"If you're still not getting results, double-check that:** The LinkedIn URLs are valid and accessible ** The profiles have public posts * Your search parameters aren't too restrictiveIf you need further assistance, you can request human help by clicking on "Talk to a person" in the chat interface. Source: Find Recent Posts by User or Company with Companies, People, Jobs
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