I'm using a formula to extract data from an actor that I ran with Apify, however, in some rows I'm getting this error: "cell data size exceeds limit (8kb)". What can I do to fix it?
To address the "cell data size exceeds limit (8kb)" error when using a formula to extract data from an Apify actor run, you can try the following approach: 1. Instead of using a formula to extract all the data at once, use the Source Cell feature in Clay. 2. Click into the Source Cell for the Apify data to see all the information pulled from your Apify actor run. 3. From there, create new columns with specific pieces of data you need, rather than trying to extract everything into a single cell.This method allows you to work with larger datasets from Apify without running into cell size limitations. Remember, Clay can retrieve up to 5000 records from a single Apify actor run.Is there a specific type of data you're trying to extract from the Apify actor run? This could help me provide more targeted advice on how to structure your columns. Sources: Pull Data from Apify Actor with Apify Apify integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
I've scrapped comments & usernames from Instagram using the actor Instagram comments scrapper, so now I wanna extract comments & usernames
To extract Instagram comments and usernames from your Apify actor data without hitting the cell size limit, follow these steps: 1. Use the Source Cell feature to pull in your Apify actor data 2. Create separate columns for comments and usernames 3. Use individual formulas to extract specific data points from the Source Cell, rather than trying to extract everything at onceThis approach will help you work with the data while staying within Clay's cell size limitations. You can retrieve up to 5000 records from a single Apify actor run. Sources: Pull Data from Apify Actor with Apify Run Apify Actor with Apify
where can i find the source cell feature
To access the Source Cell feature in Clay: 1. Go to your table 2. Click on the Source Column to open the Source column menu 3. Select "Sources" from the menu to view the connected sourceThis will allow you to see all the data pulled from your source (in your case, the Apify actor run). Source: Table sources overview | Documentation | Clay University
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