Hey team, where can I go to edit custom templates saved by me?
To manage your saved templates: 1. Go to any table where you've created a template 2. Click the "Actions" button in the top right corner 3. Select "Share as template" from the dropdown 4. In the sharing screen, you can: ā¢ Select which row of data to share ā¢ Manage sharing settings ā¢ Add or edit tags ā¢ Turn sharing on/off Sources: Share table as a template Guide: How to share a workbook and table as a template | Documentation | Clay University
how do i edit existing templates?
To modify an existing template that you've created: 1. Go to the table where you created the template 2. Click the "Actions" button in the top right corner 3. Select "Share as template" 4. In the sharing screen, you can: ā¢ Select a different row of data to share ā¢ Modify sharing settings ā¢ Add or edit tags ā¢ Turn sharing on/offNote that you can only edit templates that you have created. Once you make changes, anyone with access to your template link will see the updated version. Sources: Share table as a template Guide: How to share a workbook and table as a template | Documentation | Clay University
Hey! While it's not possible to directly edit a saved template at the moment, there's a simple workaround: you can add the template to your table, make your edits there, and then save it as a new template. You can then delete the old one if you'd like. Let me know if you need help with any of these steps!
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