Clay S. I have 2 clay accounts, I want to shift all tables along with data, to another clay account. How it can be done?
To transfer tables and data from one Clay account to another, you'll need to follow these steps for each table: 1. Export the data from your source account: ā¢ Open the table you want to transfer ā¢ Click 'Actions' in the top right ā¢ Select 'Export' ā¢ Click 'Download CSV' to save the data 2. Import the data into your destination account: ā¢ Open the table where you want to import the data ā¢ Click 'Actions' > 'Import' ā¢ Upload or drag and drop your CSV file ā¢ Choose to either create a new table or add to an existing table ā¢ Select the columns you want to import ā¢ Complete the importYou'll need to repeat this process for each table you want to transfer. Note that when duplicating tables, only the header structure is copied by default, which is why exporting and importing the data separately is necessary. Sources: Write to table integration overview | Documentation | Clay University Import a File Download as a CSV [Clay 101] - Clay University
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