Hi - I have a list of company names (not domains) - Is it possible to use Clay to find the correct domain names?
Hey there! Yes, you can easily find domains for your company names in Clay. Here's how: 1. Upload your CSV to Clay 2. Click "Add Enrichment" at the top right 3. Search for "find domain" 4. Choose Clearbit (free) or Google enrichment 5. Optional: Addconditional formulas to run them as waterfall Need me to clarify any of these steps? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1254262185/275bedf31b2d6bf52714ae3f4eca/CleanShot+2024-11-16+at+_35nPVf8WQy%402x.png?expires=1731769200&signature=e9b7c31e5bf0033996a9d2e76568f210eb74c12a83ee9936b1dc1a5fd6693c27&req=dSIiEst4n4BXXPMW1HO4zS46SDYVCX0LGEKQICnx6YwmVWewVL0uhgR%2B5Kt1%0Adugz%0A
How can I ensure that Clay is finding the right domains and not domains belonging to companies with similar names?
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