Hey. I am new to Clay, still evaluating it as a tool. I want to know if there is a way to search for people who have a number of keywords in their about section? I seem to be able to enter multiple options in the "keywords in about section" but it will return results that have either option, not both. Thanks!
When using the Find People search interface in Clay, you can use the keyword search functionality to search through profiles. However, by default, when you enter multiple keywords, the search will return results that contain any of the keywords (OR logic).To search for profiles that contain multiple keywords simultaneously (AND logic), you'll need to: 1. Navigate to "Create new" ā "Table" ā "Find People" 2. Set up your initial search parameters 3. Use the Find Keywords integration in your table after importing the results to filter for profiles containing all your desired keywordsThis two-step approach will help you narrow down to profiles that contain all of your specified keywords rather than just any single one of them. Sources: Find People overview | Documentation | Clay University Find Keywords with Clay
What is the Find Keywords integration and how can I get it?
The Find Keywords integration in Clay is a tool that helps you search for and extract specific keywords from text content. Here's what you need to know: ā¢ It allows you to analyze text to find specific terms or phrases you're looking forā¢ You provide two main inputs: 1. The keywords you want to search for (separated by commas) 2. The text body you want to search throughThe integration will return: ā¢ A total count of keywords foundā¢ The specific keywords that were foundā¢ A detailed array of keyword matches Source: Find Keywords with Clay
Okay I have the integration. Now how do I use it to do an AND (logic) search?
To use the Find Keywords integration for an AND search, follow these steps: 1. Add the Find Keywords integration to your table 2. Configure the integration with: ā¢ In the "Keywords" field: Enter your keywords separated by commas ā¢ In the "Text body to search" field: Input the text you want to analyzeThe integration will return: ** A total count of keywords found ** The specific keywords that were found * A detailed array showing all keyword matchesYou can then use these results to filter your data to show only entries where all your desired keywords were found. Source: Find Keywords with Clay
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