is there a way to schedule "Lookup multiple rows" on a daily basis and then schedule a slack message on a daily basis as well?
For scheduling "Lookup multiple rows", you can follow these steps: 1. Click the header of your source column 2. Hover over "Sources" 3. Select your lookup source 4. Under "When should we run this source?", choose "On a schedule" and set it to dailyFor scheduling Slack messages, you'll need to use an external automation tool like Zapier Pro to set up daily Slack notifications based on your Clay data. This can be configured through a Zapier integration between Clay and Slack. Sources: Automate account research summaries to Google Docs | Clay Table sources overview | Documentation | Clay University
i don't see 'source' in the header options
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey Miguel! Not yet - scheduling automated row lookups and Slack messages isn't currently possible in Clay. We're working on rolling out automation features in the future though. I'm curious about your use case - what kind of daily updates were you hoping to track? There might be some alternative approaches we could explore.
i essentialy want to report daily KPIs
i want to be able to report how many contacts were added on a daily basis
how many contacts responded , etc.
is there a 3rd party app that can help here?
Yes, you can automate your daily KPI reporting! While we're working on building this natively (coming in the next few weeks), you can achieve this now using Ngrok and webhooks. Here's a simpler way to explain it: 1. Ngrok will create a connection to receive updates from Clay 2. Clay sends data to your webhook via our HTTP API whenever there are changes 3. Your server processes this data to track your KPIs 4. The processed data can be sent to Slack on a schedule I'd recommend using Visual Studio Code to set this up, and an LLM can help with the implementation details. Need help getting started with any of these steps?
is there another way to do it? via zapier or make?
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