The Find Employee HEadcount by Criteria Enrichment is returning results that are way off when I manually check the companies associated member profiles.
You can see the table here -
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Where "Rolecount" is the enrichment result and the "Tanner Manual Ded. Sales" column next to it is my own count of how many LI profiles I see that meet the criteria I gave the enrichment. That criteria is just a super simple Job Titles keyword search.
Am I using the enrichment incorrectly?
Hey, thanks for reaching out! The “Role Count” enrichment pulls data based on public profiles from our data providers, and it’s meant to be more of a guideline than an exact number. There are several factors that can lead to differences between the enrichment results and your manual count, such as: • Job Title Keywords: The keywords you’re using might not fully match the titles listed in the profiles. The enrichment may include variations that don’t align exactly with your criteria. • Profile Changes: People may have changed roles, left the company, or updated their profiles, but the data provider may not have captured the updates yet. • Private or Inactive Profiles: The enrichment can’t access private profiles or those that are no longer active. This can also impact the count. Here are a few things you can try to narrow the gap between your manual count and the enrichment results: 1. Adjust Keywords: You could try simplifying or expanding your keywords to capture more relevant profiles. 2. Explore Other Data Sources: In Clay, you have access to more than 50 different data providers. You can add enrichment from different sources using the “add enrichment” button. Tools like Claygent can also help. 3. Risky Tools: If needed, third-party tools like Apify or Phantombuster can extract fresh live data, but note that LinkedIn might take action if it detects such usage. It’s important to note that while we have access to a lot of data, Clay is not a direct data provider. Our goal is to give you the tools to find and orchestrate data in a scalable way, even if there are a few profiles missing here and there. I hope this helps clarify things! Let me know if you need further assistance! 😊
OK, thank you