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How to Push Data from Table 1 to Table 2 in Your Database


I’m writing a bunch of columns from table 1 to table 2, but the data is not being filled in on table 2 (the columns are there but they’re empty). How do I push the data? I’ve tried force re-running.

  • Avatar of Channeled

    When duplicating or creating a new table, only the header structure is copied - data isn't transferred automatically. To transfer your data between tables, you'll need to use the Write to Table integration: 1. Click "Add Enrichment" in the top right corner of your page 2. Search for and select "Write to Table" integration 3. Select your Clay account (you may need your API key to set up) 4. Choose your destination table (Table 2) 5. Enter "/" to skip list selection if you're doing simple column mapping 6. Map the columns from your source table (Table 1) to the matching columns in your destination table 7. Optional: Configure auto-update settings to automatically enrich new rowsThis will properly transfer your data between the tables. Source: Write to table integration overview | Documentation | Clay University

  • Avatar of Mike F.
    Mike F.

    I’m already doing that, it’s still not transferring the data between tables

  • Avatar of Channeled

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