How does DeDupe prioritize what rows to delete? Is it possible to to delete the rows based on a certain criteria? I.e. retain the row with the duplicate field that has more data in other columns, or some other condition?
You can customize deduplication in Clay in two ways:1. Auto-dedupe a specific column: ā¢ Click the Auto-dedupe icon at the bottom right of your table ā¢ Select "Enable automatic deduplication" ā¢ Choose your desired column to dedupe ā¢ Click "Save Changes" 2. Manual column deduplication: ā¢ Right-click the column you want to dedupe ā¢ Select "Dedupe" > "Delete Duplicate Row"For more advanced deduplication, you can use the Normalize and Deduplicate List feature, which allows you to standardize data formats while removing duplicates. This is particularly useful when working with lists of values, and you can even choose to remove empty values from the results. Sources: Auto-update and Auto-dedupe Table Normalize and Deduplicate a List with Clay
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