Hi, I'm pulling contacts from Accenture, and all of the contacts come back with the company domain "youropinion.com.au" and not Accenture. Is this a known issue or why would this be happening? Thanks
This is a known behavior with Apollo's "Find People at Company" enrichment. When you see unexpected domain results, it's because Apollo now requires an additional step to fully extract contact information.Here's how to get the correct contact information: 1. Use "Find People at Company By Job Title" to search for the people at Accenture 2. Use the "write each item to new row in other table" function to extract all results to a new table 3. In the new table, use the "Enrich Person From Apollo" function and map all necessary columns (except email) 4. After running this enrichment, the correct contact information including email addresses will be displayed Source: [FAQ: Why am I seeing email_not_unlocked@domain.com in Apollo?](https://docs.clay.com/en/articles/9757360-faq-why-am-i-seeing-email%5Fnot%5Funlocked-domain-com-in-apollo)
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