Hello Team, I've sent the invitation to Clay to my teammate but when he follows the activation link from the email he gets a 'this site can't be reached: Can anyone please help me to resolve this?
Hey there Alex thanks for reaching out, could you share link to the workspace you invite your teammate to so that we can take a look.
Hi Alex, just chiming in while Luis Arturo is away. From your screenshot, it looks like a network/DNS issue. The error code suggests your teammate's device/network/ISP wasn't able to reach the service we use for sending those invites. (cf. https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/err_name_not_resolved/#6-proven-methods-to-fix-the-err_name_not_resolved-error) Could I have you try deleting/sending them a new invite. If that doesn't work, have them try accessing the link from a different network/device(s)? I'm curious if it will work better for them using e.g. a smartphone with wifi turned off vs. on their computer on their local network.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!