hi team I'm using the web researcher to scrape the web to get the estimated annual revenue of a company - my google search results return $800M for this company but claygent didnt https://app.clay.com/workspaces/243239/workbooks/wb_FX3TdNqecqaj/tables/t_ihbT2KRfWXit/views/gv_UVtXHqp5MXVi (under company news)
While our Google integration allows you to pull search results and find business information, it's important to note that search results may contain varying or outdated information. The revenue figure you found might be from news articles, estimates, or unofficial sources. For the most accurate company revenue data, we recommend using our dedicated company revenue data points and financial data providers rather than relying solely on Google search results. Sources: Pull search results with Google | Clay.com Find Business Reviews Information with Google | Clay.com
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