I have a csv of contacts in Clay. I have most of the emails but some of the contacts don't have the company name. How can I add company name to the table?
You can use our DropContact integration to find company names from company domains. Here's how:1. First, make sure you have the company domains for your contacts in your CSV. 2. Add the "Find Company Name from Company Domain" action in Clay: โข Choose your DropContact account (you can use our Clay-managed account at 2 credits per enrichment) โข Select the company domain column as your input โข The action will return the corresponding company names 3. By default, the integration will auto-update every 24 hours to keep your data fresh, but you can disable this if preferred.The integration uses DropContact's API to convert company domains into their corresponding company names, helping you fill in missing company information in your dataset. Sources: DropContact integration overview | Clay University Find Company Name from Company Domain with DropContact
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