I'm trying to run Apify actor for linkedin. After a successful run for about 200 rows, I'm getting this error
"error": {
"type": "run-failed",
"message": "Actor run did not succeed (run ID: eHWMhh5FutmWgnrO6, status: FAILED)."
Any ideas on how we can fix this?
When encountering an Apify actor run failure, you can try these approaches to resolve the issue: 1. Break down the processing into smaller batches: โข Right-click on the column and select "Run Column" > "Choose Number of rows to run" โข Specify a smaller batch (e.g., 50-100 rows) and set your starting row 2. For the failed rows: โข Right-click the column and click "Play" โข Select "Run All Rows that haven't run or have errors" to process only the failed entriesIf you continue experiencing issues, verify that: ** Your Apify API key is correctly configured in your Clay account ** Your input data is properly formatted in JSON with correct column tokens Sources: Run Options Apify integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey Bharat, thanks for reaching out. Would love to take a look at this. Do you mind sending the link (url) to the table so we can take a look? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1347419411/65baf32e1d2a789ffba395c6d35c/CleanShot+2025-01-22+at+_42I1FzxXHf%402x.png?expires=1738079100&signature=631130f60a01bf77f248762539835663f6b7f8984605deed6ea91162957da729&req=dSMjEc1%2FlIVeWPMW1HO4zVws4pk3Cl2pgvYjA82bedA24A%3D%3D%0A
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