Hello, I have a number of tables that feed through to a master table - the sub tables update with data from Hubspot, Smartlead and LGM. Issue is that when new data comes in to the sub tables it doesnt update the master table (the "Lookup Multiple Rows in Other Tables" functions dont refresh). I have "Auto update columns" enabled. If its not a standard functionality, can I trigger a refresh using the API?
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Harvey, thanks for sharing this! I had a look at the overview here: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/451024/workbooks/wb_B3Rks6cr7ACT/all-tables Could you check my understanding? It looks like the main table is "Email List - Generic" or "Email List - Personal", and the rest are sub-tables? Generally speaking, for a "Lookup..." in table A to refresh... data in that row in parent table A would need to be update. The lookups wouldn't actively "listen", so to speak, for updates in child tables 1,2,3 โ they would need to be prompted to do so, by something in the parent table. I'd still like a better understanding of the workflow/vision here, but hope that's helpful context.
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