I have a table that is running a waterfall email enrichment. The last step in the table is to write to a new table. But, I only want to write once the waterfall process has finished. How can I wait to write until the waterfall is finished?
You can use conditional run criteria to ensure the table only writes after the waterfall process is complete. Here's how:1. In your table's settings, add a conditional formula for the write operation 2. The formula should check if all the necessary email enrichment data is present 3. This way, the write operation will only trigger when the waterfall has finished and populated all required dataAs the email waterfall process includes multiple steps including validation, waiting for all data to be present ensures you're working with complete, validated information.You can set up these conditional run criteria in the enrichment settings under "Select conditional run criteria." This gives you control over when the operation executes based on your specified conditions. Sources: Enrich People (Waterfalls) [Automated Outbound] - Clay University Clearbit integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
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