Hi 02 Starting with Clay - is there anyone at Clay I can chat with about the upcoming Cohort Onboarding Program (Dec 9-20)? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!!
👋 Hey there! Our support team has got your message - we'll be back in touch soon. If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in this thread so that we can help you as quickly as possible!
Hey, thanks for reaching out - You can actually apply here: https://www.clay-cohorts.com :)
Thanks Bo (.! I actually applied last week for the upcoming cohort program (Dec. 9-20) and haven’t heard anything. After submitting the app, a message appeared on screen which said that I’ll be notified by Oct. 25th, so I am worried that maybe the app was due a while back and so isn’t being reviewed? I’d love to get into this cohort, so wanted to reach out and see if I can chat with someone on the cohort team and ask directly to join this cohort.
I've sent a message to our team to see if I could find any extra info :) Will keep you posted! :)
Thanks Bo!
Hey - Our team asked if it was possible for you to resubmit since we can't find your application?
Hi, yes, I can resubmit. Will do that right now
The challenge may be that my Clay workspace email is minhaswasaya@gmail.com and my Clay slack email is maw2292@caa.columbia.edu
With which email have you resubmitted? I'll also flag this to our team
I've resubmitted with minhaswasaya@gmail.com
Thank you Bo, I really appreciate your help!
I sent the team a message - Thanks for this! :)
Sure thing! And here's a Word copy of the info in my app if it can help them in any way. Thank you!
Thank you! :)
Bo, thanks for your help! I got an email from Yash about being admitted and the delayed start date for Cohort 9. qq, do you think it would be helpful for me to re-join the Clay slack community using my personal email (minhaswasaya@gmail.com)? Don’t know if that was the issue with the application, but just wondering if it would simplify things moving forward 🙂
Hey - Just wanted to check if everything was okay here? I'll close this if so :)
Hi, yes, everything is all okay here. But any thoughts on my question above? Should I create a different slack account for Clay with my personal email?
Hey there could you try this link to join the Slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/clayrunhq/shared_invite/zt-2v1gu5xdw-AkAg7t8gkLr2FU8VnrAu0A