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Hiring a Marketer as the Face of for Video Content


Hey all, I am looking to hire a marketer who is also okay being the face of We’re looking to create a ton of videos to post on Linkedin, Youtube and TikTok. So it needs to be someone who’s comfortable in front of a camera and is able to speak good English. Here are some videos which are currently missing a face but would be awesome to have someone walking through the demo:[…]601691475968-DPH_?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

  • Avatar of Apoorva G.
    Apoorva G.

    Please ping me if you’re someone who’d be comfortable putting yourself out there.

  • Avatar of Jalen N.
    Jalen N.

    This looks interesting

  • Avatar of Chris M.
    Chris M.

    I just sent you a DM

  • Avatar of Alex D.
    Alex D.

    have you considered using ai platforms for this Apoorva G.

  • Avatar of Apoorva G.
    Apoorva G.

    We need an actual person in this role unfortunately.

  • Avatar of Apoorva G.
    Apoorva G.

    We’re looking for this person to also do some research and write their own scripts