Really need the ability to filter lists of objects using a formula -- using the enrichment is brutal Not sure why there isn't a column type "list" that can handle that
Hey Mathew, thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear this has been a bit brutal. When you say "filter lists of objects using a formula" are you referring to this menu here? Also would love to hear a bit about what you're trying to filter for in this example so I can share this with our team. :)
No I'm talking about the "Filter list of objects" enrichment
You shouldn't need an enrichment to filter a list of objects -- it's much easier to do it via formula
For example, I'm fetching decision makers. I want to run the following filter:
If there is 1 contact in the list, return the contact
If there is 1+ contacts in the list, return the first contact where title does not equal CTO / Chief Technology Officer
If I could make a formula to filter the objects this would be easy -- almost impossible using the enrichment
Got it, makes sense. Curious, in your example where is the association made between the job title and object? Is it within the same list? or somewhere else?
What do you mean exactly? Title is a property on the objects in the list
Ahh okay cool, do you mind sharing the URL to the table over would love to take a closer look?
I'm filtering the list returned from the "Clay Find Contacts" enrichment
Right now I need 2 separate enrichment columns (not ideal) and have no way to run the filter I mentioned above
Hey, thanks for reaching out Matthew - I hear you, let me show you what you can do here instead: Summary Using JSON.parse({{Input}}) inside of a Write to Other Table (make sure the data you add has [before and after] and add it in the List Input) to then parse all the values that fit your criteria inside of a new table as individual columns.
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.