Hello I am trying to connect HTTP API but I am getting error This is the sheet https://app.clay.com/workspaces/12283/tables/t_G5AZBBNrSjrs/views/gv_aHC25nF7AN2F
This is the code that I am trying to connect
what is the error
Mladen, the error coming back to Clay is this:
statusCode: 999,
statusMessage: 'Request denied'
Looks like you're POST-ing data to LinkedIn itself. What are you trying to accomplish in your table?
Mark L. Muhammad S. Can you help me i connect this API
yes, can you send me the link to the rapid api you are using? Mladen J.
You can use a get method in clay with http api integration end point:
https://linkedin-bulk-data-scraper.p.rapidapi.com/profile_updates?profile_url={LInkedin profile URL}&page=1
x-rapidapi-host: linkedin-bulk-data-scraper.p.rapidapi.com
x-rapidapi-key: your RAPID API KEY
This end point helps you get the Linkedin posts of a person
Ok and can you help me scrape data from profiles as well?
Muhammad S. I am trying to execute - Person Data With Open To Work Flag
I dont think this is the right scrapper to get that info
you will need to find another one which has an end point that cheks the open to work status
Also you should remove your rapid api key from the above messages.
Based on their documentation (https://rapidapi.com/mgujjargamingm/api/linkedin-bulk-data-scraper/playground/apiendpoint_eee12490-a5e8-4557-b361-00e726fd3f03), it looks like you'll want to enter "rapidapi.com" as the Endpoint. Then supply the profile URL in the Body, e.g.
"links": [
Can you help me understand what sort of information you're hoping to scrape? There may be other approaches as well.
Hey, thanks for following up on this! We do have a tool that helps enrich LI people URLs, it can be found as Enrich Person from Profile. It will return current company, location if the profile displays it, and more details about their profile. However, the Open to Work banner, LI doesn't make this data point scrapable. I'm uncertain if LinkedIn Recruiter may have this as a filter which you can then scrape, but unfortunately, the regular LI profiles only show a visual that can't be collected at least that I'm familiar with. Any reason why you'd prefer using the rapidAPI option? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1323708260/01532bf67ce5343b697a506871ad/chrome_Y9faNL2iuu.png?expires=1736207100&signature=2ebac5c00fede20ee68c0167cf663fd5e8bed96b779c726d2c4396510d33c6a5&req=dSMlFc5%2BlYNZWfMW1HO4zfKQQh1JSVXMvv%2Fx63HCjLaVhl%2FLkJf1fUV6hpZe%0AWIfa%0A
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!