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slack notifications idea, maybe already possible pla give feedback


slack notifications idea, maybe already possible pls give feedback

  • Avatar of Flo

    im doing a lot with slack notifications but they are quite bulky for 2 reasons: 1) im including a bunch of fields however many of them are empty. eg. enriched a contact but didnt find an email but it will still say email. would be great to have the option not to include empty fields in the message 2) would be really useful if we can post messages and put the info as a first reply. the channel would be way cleaner and people could only open the thread if interested.

  • Avatar of Flo

    3) would love to be able to tag people

  • Avatar of Owen C.
    Owen C.

    Hey Florian, thanks for reaching out and for your valuable feedback! We’re always working to improve the product, and insights like these are incredibly helpful. We’ll pass this on to our product team to review and consider as a potential addition to our roadmap. To clarify your suggestion: Are you envisioning a compact "title" message to introduce the data, followed by all the detailed information as a threaded reply? This should be possible! I’m reviewing the API documentation, and it looks like we could achieve this using a few HTTP API columns. We’d send the initial message, capture its timestamp, and then use the thread_ts parameter with that timestamp for a follow-up message to keep the details in a thread. You can also tag users by formatting their User ID like 🔒[private user]. This would require pulling the list of channel members to get their User IDs and matching them to the right people, though I see how this could add some complexity to a table!

  • Avatar of Flo

    yeah exactly what i mean!

  • Avatar of Flo

    cool, maybe i can get a master lookup table in clay somewhere with the user ids good

  • Avatar of Flo

    what about ignoring empty fields, feels like an easy toggle to add

  • Avatar of Tanvi R.
    Tanvi R.

    Yes Florian, a master lookup table with User IDs is a great idea! Will let the team know about ignoring empty fields. We're going to pass this over to our product team so they can better evaluate things and see if/where this might fit into the roadmap as a future improvement.

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.

  • Avatar of Channeled

    We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Hi Flo! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: