Can you help me understand if I can somehow improve the accuracy of the Clay "Find Contacts at Company" feature? I configured it with company domain as Company Identifier and do not have their LinkedIn URL automatically. For the domain "" the people search found 6 people who work for the company "Ben Schulz & Partner AG" which does not seem to be related at all. Without building complicated additional checks, is there any way to avoid this going forward?
Hi Alexander, thanks for reaching out! As a general practice, we recommend using a company LinkedIn url as the company identifier as in the backend, if a company domain is inputted this enrichment converts the domain to a LinkedIn url before searching. It's possible that for the specific domain you listed it is searching with the incorrect LinkedIn company profile. Thus, to improve your results I recommend running the "Enrich Company" integration which takes company domain as an input and returns a LinkedIn url and the scraped company profile as an output. From here, you can verify the company LinkedIn url and then use this as an input for your "Find Contacts at Company" search. Here's a tutorial on improving your Find People search that explains this tip as well as additional best practices to improve accuracy: Let me know if you have any other questions! ๐
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Thanks Tanvi!