curious to know if this is possible -- can I enter into to a clay table, from slack, via a backslash command or similar? I have an email finder table in clay, it would be amazing if reps could hit a channel and paste the target name/linkedin URL, and have clay spit it back into the slack channel with the validated email?
Hey Ciaran, with Clay there is always a way! You can achieve this with a combination of Clay and Zapier. We've actually built something like this for other customers. Here's an overview of how this works: 1. Send a webhook from Slack to Clay with the name, LinkedIn url, company domain - whichever combination of inputs you're using 2. In your Clay table, have formula columns separate out each of these inputs 3. Create a waterfall of your designated email providers linking each of these input columns in your set up. 4. Run the waterfall 5. Once you run the waterfall and receive an email, send this output back to Slack via Zapier using an HTTP API column
Let us know if you'd like further assistance with your set up!
Amazing thank you so much Tanvi!! ๐
Of course Ciaran, keep us updated if this works for you - would love to highlight your work to other members of our community!