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  • Avatar of Bo (.
    Bo (.

    Hey, thanks for reaching out - Great suggestions, curious if you've tried to use the HTTP API to do this already? For example, you could use these settings to do an HTTP API request to Hubspot and create engagements. For Creating Engagements: Endpoint: Method: POST Headers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer {access_token} Required Body Parameters: { "engagement": { "type": "NOTE", // Can be NOTE, EMAIL, TASK, MEETING, CALL "timestamp": "{current_timestamp}" }, "associations": { "contactIds": ["{contact_id}"] }, "metadata": { "body": "{engagement_body}", "subject": "{engagement_subject}" } } Additional Fields Based on Engagement Type: For Tasks: { "metadata": { "status": "NOT_STARTED", "forObjectType": "CONTACT", "taskType": "TODO", "dueDate": "{due_date}" } } For Meetings: { "metadata": { "startTime": "{start_time}", "endTime": "{end_time}", "title": "{meeting_title}" } } For Calls: { "metadata": { "toNumber": "{phone}", "status": "COMPLETED", "durationMilliseconds": "{duration}" } } Let me know if you need specifics for any engagement type. I know it can be pretty intimidating, so feel free to ask me any following questions.

  • Avatar of Channeled

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