Feature Requests for Clay Product Improvement and Community Feedback
Hey Clay team, loving my exp with the product and the community so far! Here are some feature requests we thought of, these might be available or have workarounds so let me know if that's the case:
Intent topics search data (we're using zoominfo for this today)
Website visits (RB2B gives Linkedin profiles when possible but Zoominfo tell us which companies showed up on our website and we're getting more data from that since RB2B is limited)
The ability t track more than 1,000 new hires at a time and extending the timeline for the new hire over 3 months
When finding companies, having a more condensed list industries to choose from (primary vs sub industries): for context, every time I want to find companies in a new workbook i'm having to select a lot of industries to include/exclude via the extensive list in Clay and I can't copy them in a new search. In contrast Zoominfo has the option to select Primary industries