Improving Lookup Relationships for Enhanced Data Navigation
03 Feedback & Requests would be great to be able navigate within column data in a lookup relationship. how this would benefit: This would allow to lookup through relationships, or access enrichment column details and collections inside the lookup table, direclty from the parent, without need of creating extra columns or formulas into child that later can be then accessed in parent example use case: imagine you are in a company table that has enrichment fields, with collections inside then you are in the people table, with also enrichments and collections. In people table you have a lookup into company table, and you would like to access details in the columns from that lookup. Like Salesforce details in the Account table, you will have to move down into fields those datapoints you would like to read from other tables referencing the Account table example 2: have 2 different tables with domains that I need to normalize, so I add normalize into each table, so then I can do a lookup exact match (websites, linkedin profiles etc). Right now you need to create the extra text field "normalized domain " in the target table, because we can't navigate at that level